8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems

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Barcelona, Spain
September 10-12th, 2008

> Call for Papers > Topics of interest

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Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Hybrid Intelligent Systems Architectures and Applications

  • Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems.
  • Artificial neural network optimization using global optimization techniques.
  • Fuzzy clustering algorithms and optimization techniques.
  • Fuzzy inference system optimization using global optimization algorithms.
  • Hybrid computing using neural networks - fuzzy systems - evolutionary algorithms.
  • Hybrid optimization techniques (evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, GRASP etc.).
  • Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques.
  • Models using inductive logic programming, logic synthesis, grammatical inference, case-based reasoning etc.
  • Autonomic computing.
  • Hybridizatiion with novel computing paradigms: Qantum computing, DNA computing, membrane computing etc.

Soft Computing for Image and Signal Processing

  • Image generation, acquisition, and processing.
  • Virtual reality.
  • Design and implementation of intelligent signal processing systems.
  • Image, video and multidimensional signal processing.
  • Speech processing.
  • Texture analysis.
  • Stereoscopic vision.
  • Shape processing.
  • Object recognition.
  • Image and video retrieval.
  • Image and video compression.

Intelligent Internet Modeling, Communication and networking

  • Web intelligence.
  • Intelligent Search engines.
  • XML mining.
  • Intelligent networking between Web Sites.
  • Network security, intrusion detection.
  • Intelligent agents and interfaces for personalization and adaptivity.
  • Intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW.
  • Adaptive hypermedia systems.
  • Web Services modeling.
  • Network Management.
  • Mobile Internet.

Intelligent Data mining

  • Discovering patterns in continuous data.
  • Uncertainty management for data mining.
  • Clustering algorithms and applications.
  • Classification trees.
  • Mining time series.
  • Distributed Data Mining.

Intelligent Business Systems

  • e-learning, e-commerce, e-business, e-finance.
  • Risk management.
  • Derivatives pricing.
  • Portfolio management and asset allocation.
  • Stock market, forex market analysis, dynamics and simulation.
  • Computational economics.
  • Multicriteria decision making.

Intelligent Control and Automation

  • Mathematical modeling and analysis of complex systems.
  • Knowledge based control systems.
  • Adaptive control systems.
  • Control applications in robotics, manufacturing, process control, industrial systems, automotive, vehicular systems, spacecraft and soon.
  • -Intelligent Agents
  • Adaptation and learning.
  • Coordinating multiple agents.
  • Evolution of agents.
  • Models of emotion, motivation, or personality.
  • Multi-agent communication, coordination, and collaboration.

Knowledge Management

  • Application of knowledge representation techniques to semantic modeling.
  • Development and management of heterogeneous knowledge bases.
  • Automatic acquisition of data and knowledge bases (especially raw text).
  • Performance evaluation.
  • Data and knowledge sharing.
  • Cooperation in heterogeneous systems.
  • Domain modeling and ontology-building.
  • Concurrent engineering and computer integrated manufacturing.
  • Digital Libraries.
  • Multimedia Databases.

Affective Computing

  • Kansei Information Processing.
  • Models, theories and taxonomies of emotions.
  • Emotion synthesis.
  • Emergent emotion and emotional behavior.
  • Emotion recognition.
  • Embodiment of emotional systems.
  • Emotions and other affective phenomena (moods, temperament, and personality).
  • Applications: Synthetic characters, robots, computational theater, interface assistants, pedagogical agents, music, art, education, entertainment, multi-agent systems, bio-feedback, etc.