Final Camera Ready Paper Submission Guidelines
Authors of all the accepted papers must submit the final manuscripts electronically. Please revise the paper strictly in accordance with the referee comments. Publication chairs will go through all the final camera ready papers before finalizing the proceedings.
Length: Camera ready papers may be up to 10 (TEN) pages. In addition to this, extra 2 pages can be added by paying the extra paper charges. All papers should be more than 8 pages.
Please strictly follow the given Springer Paper Template:
- Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word Template (
- LaTex Formatting Macros: TeX Template (
- Instructions for all authors (
All authors must also complete and submit a copy of Springer Copyright Form to accompany with each paper submission.
Consent to Publish Form (PDF, 370 kB)
Final Manuscripts are to be submitted by following the steps below:
1. Create your manuscript as specified in the template provided. The title, author names, affiliations etc. should strictly follow the format. Please dont use author titles (Dr. Prof. etc. ) in front of names and also avoid using positions (Professor, Lecturer, Scholar etc.). The title shall be in Normal fonts (not capitals).
2. Proof read and check layout of paper.
3. After completion of the above steps, please submit your final camera ready paper (PDF), source files (MS word or TeX), copyright form (as a zipped archive) using your Easychair account by selecting "proceedings author"
For publication related enquiries, please write to Dr. Niketa Gandhi <> with your paper details.