NaBIC 2009 – Camera ready paper preparation guidelines
Paper Submission (Please read all instructions very carefully)
Authors of all the accepted papers must submit the
final manuscripts electronically. Please revise the paper strictly in
accordance with the referee comments. Publication chairs will go through all
the final camera ready papers before finalizing the proceedings.
Camera-ready version of papers must not exceed the following size limits
Regular papers: 6 pages (up to two extra pages
allowed at US$100/page
Short Papers: 4 pages (no extra pages allowed)
Please strictly follow the given IEEE Paper Template:
Formatting Macros: TeX Template
All authors must also complete and submit a copy of
IEEE Copyright Form
to accompany with each paper submission.
After completion of the
above steps, please submit your final camera ready
paper as a zipped archive using your NaBIC 2009 Easychair account.
For regular sessions using the link:
For special sessions and
workshop using the link:
Please also email the
following as a zipped archive to In the subject line of the
email, please mention your paper ID and inside the email text, please mention
the title of the paper and the list of authors and also the abstract of your
Deadline for Final Manuscripts Submission is: September 20,