Workshop on Computational Biology

Call for Papers

  1. Scope
  2. Topics
  3. Paper Submission
  4. Organizers


The ISDA 2011 workshop on “Computational Biology” provides a multidisciplinary forum for disseminating the latest developments in bioinformatics/computational biology. Another goal is to bring together scientists from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields and promote scientific information interchange. The principal focus is the development and application of advanced computational methods for biological problems.


Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis
  • computational intelligence for next generation sequencing
  • machine learning and computational intelligence in biomedicine
  • clinical diagnosis and disease prediction
  • medical image analysis and pattern recognition
  • integration of molecular data (genomic, proteomic) and clinical data
  • genome analysis
  • genetics and population analysis
  • methods
  • high-throughput data analysis (microarrays, mass spectrometry, EST, etc.)
  • analysis of large biological data sets
  • clustering, biclusering, and triclustering of gene profiles
  • handling missing values of microarray data
  • modeling gene regulatory networks
  • network based systems biology
  • classifier fusion and ensemble methods
  • decision support and expert systems
  • molecular sequence alignment and analysis
  • RNA and protein folding and structure prediction
  • motif and signal detection
  • molecular evolution and phylogenetics
  • gene finding
  • computational proteomics
  • metabolic pathway analysis
  • Structural Bioinformatics
  • molecular docking and drug design
  • immuno- and chemo-informatics
  • text mining
  • biological and medical ontologies
  • systems and synthetic biology
  • in-silico optimization of biological systems
  • ecoinformatics and appications to ecological data analysis
  • phylogenetics

Paper Submission

Please follow the instructions given at the corresponding section.


Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada