Dharmpal Singh
Dharmpal Singh
JISCE, kolkata
PhD Student
Personal Web Site:
Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=937
Short Biography

Dharmpal Singh received his Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Computer Science and Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology. He has about ten years of experience in teaching and research. At present, he is working as an Associate  Professor. Currently, he had gained his PhD at the University of Kalyani. He has about 23 publications in national and international journals and conference proceedings Index by SCI, Scopus, DBLP and Google Scholar.

List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years

1:- D. P. Singh, J. P. Choudhury and M. De, A  comparative  study o n  principal  component  analysia n d  factor analysis  for the formation of  association rule in  data         mining     domain”,   Proceedings  of th 2n International Conference on  Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences (MCSS '14)Gdansk, Poland, ISBN: 978-960-474-380-3, pp.442-452, May 15-17, 2014, ISI Index.

2.:-Dharmpal Singh, J. Paul Choudhury,Mallika De "A comparative study on the performance of Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian Logic and neural network  towards Decision Making”, International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies ,Volume 4 Issue 2, May 2012, Pages 205-216. Scopus, DBLP INDEX 

3. D. P. Singh, J. P. Choudhury and M. De, “An effort to select a preferable meta heuristic model for knowledge discovery in Data mining”, International Journal of mataheuristics, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp.57-90, September, 2015. DBLP Index

3:- D. P. Singh, J. P. Choudhury and M. De, “An Effort to Developing the Knowledge Base in Data Mining by Factor Analysis and Soft Computing Methodology”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1912-1923, September, 2013.

5:- D. P. Singh, J. P. Choudhury and M. De, “A modified ACO for classification on different data set” International Journal of Computer Application, Vol.123, No. 6, pp-39-52, August 2015.

List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years

Review the Paper of Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. SCI Index Jounal

Member of review board of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery.

v   Member of review board of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)

v   Member of Advisor/Editorial board of International Journal of Application and Innovative in Engineering and Management.

v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

v   Member  of  Editorial  board  of International  Journal  of  Innovative  Technology  and  Exploring

Engineering (IJITEE)

v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering


v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology


v   Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES)

v   Member of Editorial board o International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE)

v   Senior Member of IACSIT Society (Membership Number 80348468)