Sandra Ferreira
Sandra Ferreira
University of Beira Interior, Covilhã
Regular Member
Personal Web Site:
Main page: http://www.mirlabs.net/global/index.php?c=main&a=person&id=1285
Short Biography

Assistant professor – Departamento de Matemática e Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6200 Covilhã  

   1. Dissertations

·         Ferreira, S.S. (2006). Inferência para Modelos Ortogonais com Segregação. (Inference for Orthogonal Models with Segregation). PhD Thesis, University of Beira Interior, Portugal (in Portuguese).


·         Ferreira, S.S. (2000). Análise discriminante, Teoria da decisão e Inferência Bayesiana. (Discriminant Analysis, Decision Theory and Bayesian Inference). M.Sc Thesis, Évora University, Portugal (in Portuguese).

Nome de Utilizador: J027711 

ORCID: 0000-0002-9209-7772

Chapters in Books with Referee

Nunes, C., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, Sandra S., João T. Mexia (2013). Generalized F tests in models with random perturbations: the truncated Normal case, pages 307-315. Chapter in Advances in Regression, Survival Analysis, Extreme Values, Markov Processes and other Statistical Applications., Selected papers of the Statistical Societies. Edited by Silva J., Caeiro F., Natálio I., Braumann C.A. . International book series studies in theoretical and applied statistics. ISBN: 978-3-642-34903-4, 01/2013.

Refereed Papers in Proceedings


D. Ferreira, S. S. Ferreira, C. Nunes, Oliveira, T. and J. T. Mexia (2016). Confidence intervals for variance components in gauge capability studies. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes Island, Greece, September 19-2516.


Célia Nunes, Gilberto Capistrano, Anacleto Mário, Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira and João T. Mexia (2016). Occurrences of failures in ANOVA. Proceedings of the “III Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods”, 18 Novembro 2016, IP de Portalegre.


Mexia J.T., Markiewicz, A., Carvalho, F., Ferreira, S., Nunes, C., Ferreira, D. (2016). Linear sufficiency in models with orthogonal block structure in livro de atas do congresso “X Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation” (WSMC10) | V Portuguese-Polish Workshop on Biometry (PPWB5), 26 a 28 de maio, IP Tomar.  (INVITED TALK)


Sandra Ferreira, Dário Ferreira, Célia Nunes, João Tiago Mexia (2016). Optimal Estimation in Models with Positive Orthogonal Block Structure in livro de atas do congresso “20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society” (ILAS), 7-15 July, Leuven.


Célia Nunes, Sandra S. Ferreira, Dário Ferreira, Manuela M. Oliveira and João T. Mexia (2016). Normal approximations to noncentral Wishart matrices, in livro de atas do congresso “International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics” (IWMS), 6 a 9 junho, Madeira.


Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira and João T. Mexia (2016). Comparing for one-way fixed effects models the usual and the random sample sizes ANOVA, in livro de atas do congresso “International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics” (IWMS), 6 a 9 junho, Madeira.



Sandra Ferreira, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira and João Tiago Mexia (2015). “Global Confidence Regions for Mixed Models assuming Orthogonal Block Structure and Normality”. Proceedings of the “Mattriad 2015”, 7 a 11 Setembro, Coimbra.

Dário Ferreira, Sandra Ferreira, Célia Nunes and João T. Mexia (2015).  “Point estimation in mixed models”. Proceedings of the “Mattriad 2015”, 7 a 11 Setembro, Coimbra. 

Célia Nunes, Gilberto Capistrano, Dário Ferreira, Sandra Ferreira and João T. Mexia (2015). “Mixed models with random sample sizes: Observations failures”. Proceedings of the “Mattriad 2015”, 7 a 11 Setembro, Coimbra. 

Gilberto Capistrano, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Sandra Ferreira and João T. Mexia (2015). Falhas de observações na ANOVA com um fator de efeitos fixos. Proceedings of the “II Conferência Internacional da Amazônia e Nordeste em Estatística e Análise de Risco (ANSRA2)”, 04 a 07 de Agosto de 2015.

Dário Ferreira, Sandra S. Ferreira, Célia Nunes and João T. Mexia (2015). Intervalos de confiança para componentes de variância em estudos de análise de sistemas de medição. Proceedings of the “SPE” 2015, Olhão, 7 a 10 Outubro 2015.  

Casanova, N., Travassos, B., Ferreira, S., Garrido, N., & Costa, A. (2015). Concentração de cortisol e testosterona salivar em jogadoras de elite de futebol: que relação com o desempenho técnico individual em jogos oficiais consecutivos. Proceedings of the “XVI Jornadas da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Desporto”, Guarda, 6 e 7 de novembro de 2015.

Célia Nunes, Gilberto Capistrano, Dário Ferreira, Sandra Ferreira, João Tiago Mexia (2015). One-way random effects ANOVA with random sample sizes: An application on cancer registries. Proceedings of the “4.º Ciclo de Conferências da Faculdade de Ciências”, (FC) intitulada "Ciência: Fazer, Comunicar e Ensinar", UBI, Covilhã, 17 janeiro 2015. 

G. Capistrano, C. Nunes, D. Ferreira, S.S. Ferreira, J.T. Mexia (2014). “One-way Random Effects ANOVA with Random Sample Sizes: An Application to a Brazilian Database on Cancer Registries”.  Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014. AIP Conf. Proc., Rhodes Island, Greece, 21-27 September. (Session 22) - "Third Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models”.

C. Nunes, G. Capistrano, D. Ferreira, S.S. Ferreira, J.T. Mexia (2014). “One-way Fixed Effects ANOVA with Missing Observations”.  Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014. AIP Conf. Proc., Rhodes Island, Greece, 21-27 September. (Session 22) - "Third Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models”.

D. Ferreira, S.S. Ferreira, C. Nunes, J.T. Mexia (2014). “Estimation of variance components in normal linear mixed models with additivity”. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014. AIP Conf. Proc., Rhodes Island, Greece, 21-27 September. (Session 22) - "Third Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models”.

S.S. Ferreira, C. Nunes, Ferreira, D. and J.T. Mexia (2014). “Estimation in models with orthogonal block structure. 3rd SMTDA Conference Proceedings, 11-14 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Helena A. Rocha, Daniel A. Marinho, Sandra S. Ferreira, Aldo M. Costa (2014). Organização e metodologia de ensino da natação no 1 º ciclo do ensino básico em Portugal, in livro de atas do Congresso XXXVII Técnico-Científico da Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Natação, Maia, Cidade Europeia do Desporto. 26 e 27 de abril.

Nunes, C., Capistrano, G., Ferreira, D. and Ferreira, S.S. (2013). “ANOVA with Random Sample Sizes: An Application to a Brazilian Database on Cancer Registries”.  Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. AIP Conf. Proc., Rhodes Island, Greece, 21-27 September. (Session 22) - " Second Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models”.

Ferreira, D., Ferreira, S.S. and Nunes, C. and Inácio, S. (2013). “Inducing pivot variables and non-centrality parameters in elliptical distributions”.  Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013. AIP Conf. Proc., Rhodes Island, Greece, 21-27 September. (Session 22) - " Second Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models”.

Ferreira, D., Ferreira, S.S. and Nunes, C. and J.T. Mexia (2012). “Confidence Regions for Variance Components Using Inducing Pivot Variables”.  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Kos, Greece, September 19-25

Ferreira, Sandra S., Ferreira, D., Nunes, C., J.T. Mexia (2012). “Linear and Quadratic Sufficiency and Commutativity”.  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Kos, Greece, September 19-25

Nunes, C., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, Sandra S., J.T. Mexia (2012). “One-way Random Effects ANOVA: An Extension to Samples with Random Size”.  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Kos, Greece, September 19-25

Mexia, J. T., Nunes, C., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, S.S., Moreira, E. (2011). “Orthogonal fixed efects ANOVA with random sample sizes”.  WSEAS proceedings of the 5th International conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling (ASM’11). Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16.

Ferreira, Sandra S., Ferreira, D., Nunes, C., J.T. Mexia (2010). “Crossing Segregated Models with Commutative Orthogonal Block Structure”.  8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-25


Nunes, C., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, Sandra S., J.T. Mexia (2010). “ F Tests with Random Sample Sizes .  8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-25

Ferreira, D., Ferreira, S.S., Nunes, C., J.T. Mexia (2010). “Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods for Variance Components in Linear NonOrthogonal Small Size Design Models .  Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, September 19-25

List of top 5 publications in the last 5 years

R.A. Bailey, Sandra S. Ferreira, Dário Ferreira, Célia Nunes. Estimability of Variance Components when all Model Matrices Commute. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 492, 1 March 2016, Pages 144–160. DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2015.11.002

Sandra S. Ferreira, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira, Elsa Moreira, João Tiago Mexia. Estimation and Orthogonal Block Structure. Hacettepe University Bulletin of Natural Sciences and Engineering Series B: Mathematics and Statistics 03/2015; 45(58). DOI:10.15672/HJMS.2015589756 

C. Nunes, D. Ferreira, S.S. Ferreira, J.T. Mexia (2014). Fixed effects ANOVA: An extension to samples with random size. J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 84(11), 2316-2328, doi: 10.1080/00949655.2013.791293

Ferreira, D., Ferreira, S. S., Nunes, C., Mexia, J. T. (2014). Estimation in mixed models through Three Step Minimization. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.  46 (2) 1156-1166  ID: 992544 DOI:10.1080/03610918.2014.992544

Sandra S. Ferreira, Dário Ferreira, Célia Nunes and João T. Mexia (2013). Estimation of Variance Components in Linear Mixed Models with Commutative Orthogonal Block Structure. Revista Colombiana de Estadística 36,  2 261-271.

List of top 5 academic activities during the last 5 years

Member of Organizing Committee and Scientific Comitee of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences Workshop-SMSW’14, July 7, Covilhã, 2014  http://smsciencesw.wix.com/smsw


-Member of  Scientific Comitee of  8th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation (WSMC’8), Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (ISCEE), March 12-15, 2014, Praia - Cabo Verde         https://sites.google.com/site/wsmc2014cv/scientific-committee


-Member of  Scientific Comitee of  SAI Conference 2014, Science and Information Conference                                   http://thesai.org/SAIConference2014/Committees

Member of Local Organizing Committee and Scientific Comitee of 10th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation


5th Portuguese-Polish Workshop on Biometry (PPWB5), 26th-28th May, IPT, Tomar, 2016





-Member of  Scientific Comitee of  III Workshop on  Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, 18 November 2016, Instituto Politécnico de  Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal